LA URBANA - MAS MUSICA bienvenidos a radio la urbana , la mas urbana de colombia , estamos dedicados a complacer los oyentes con sus canciones favoritas , 8 años al aire sonando exitos sin detenernos , los estrenos , clasicos estaran sonando al aire , cada que tus oidos quieran escucharnos al aire , solo generos

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welcome to only radio genres, the most urban in colombia, we are dedicated to pleasing listeners with their favorite songs, 8 years on the air playing successes without stopping, premieres, classics will be playing on the air, every time your ears want to hear us on the air, only genres- Follow us on our social networks - solognerosradio and enjoy your favorite artists and songs day by day, Thanks for choosing us Latin music sounds non-stop from Monday to Sunday in your ears I only listen to radio genres

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